2024 is coming to an end and it is our custom to take stock of the past year.
It has been a year of changes, important work and new releases that have made us understand how hard work is rewarded through the appreciation of those who buy our wines.
There was a slight change in the company’s image this year: Massimo Rattalino, founder and owner of the homonymous agricultural business, after a twenty-year career in the wine world, through long preparation and training, has decided to leave space for the disruptive entrance of his sons Maurizio and Andrea inside the company.
Both deployed on two different aspects of the company, Maurizio on the commercial part and Andrea on the administrative part, they were inserted within the corporate context while maintaining as a guideline the teaching of the father: conviviality and high quality, bringing a breath of new ideas, goals and plans for the years to come. Both have chosen to leave their previous professions to focus on the family business, adapting to life in the Langhe.
Their work has focused on development through commercial and administrative improvement, raising production and expanding markets. This has been possible thanks to the support of collaborators in the company and the participation in wine fairs overseas and outside national borders.
The first generation thus leaves room for the second generation which brings freshness and innovation.
This duality, this generational change, is represented by the two production lines of Massimo Rattalino: on one hand the traditional line, composed of wines with a more traditional vinification, which uses the typical techniques of the production of great aging wines, including the Barbaresco.
On the other hand the Innovation line, which represents Maurizio and Andrea’s wishes, which manage to give the wine greater liveliness and relevance, through more modern winemaking and the use of innovative techniques; managing to maintain the company’s distinctive line of quality and attention to the territory and raw materials.
We hope that the new year will bring us new surprises and we wish all our loyal customers a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year.
Massimo Rattalino Staff
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